10-0 Losses
10-0 Wins
Amount Paid
Average against
Awards ($)
Championship Points
Combined games (with prev games)
Combined score (with prev score)
Consecutive wins (Combined)
Consecutive wins (Division)
Custom value 2
Custom value 3
Dead Games
Differential (Without HDCP)
Differential average
Differential average (Without HDCP)
Divn Custom value 1
Divn Custom value 2
Divn Custom value 3
Fixed TRS
Games played
Games Wins %
Handicap total
HDCP Diff Average
HDCP from chart based on Average
HDCP from chart based on Scratch Average
Head to Head Rank*
Inning Average
Match Count
Match Losses
Match Tied
Match Wins
Nights Played
Opponent total handicap
Perfect Match
Player Handicap
Points Lost Avg
Pts/Match Avg
Pts/Match Avg (Ratio)
Pts/Match Avg (Ratio) + Prev match
Pts/Match Avg(Session)
Rank With Tie
Rounds Played
Score +
Score + (Without HDCP)
Score -
Score - (Without HDCP)
Skill Rating
Tied games
Win - Lost differential